Sunday, April 29, 2012

Another Giveaway

Kamieo's Photography on Facebook is having an 8K giveaway.

5 prize bundles available which means 5 winners. Amazing prizes in each bundle.

Check out her blog to enter.

Friday, April 27, 2012


I want to let everyone know that Little Blessings Photography will be opening back up for regular business beginning May 1, 2012. And as a thank you to all my clients and fans on Facebook, I will be offering a special deal; to be announced on re-opening day. I am also very happy to announce that I now will be offering professional prints. I have teamed up with a lab and they do amazing work. SO please keep an eye out for many new things coming to Little Blessings Photography!! Thank You All! Ashley Mejia

Monday, April 23, 2012

Oh Love Props Giveaway

Ok everyone, Oh Love Props on Facebook is having a giveaway. She has amazing work and you'll love it! Great photography props! Also please DO NOT "unlike" her page after the giveaway. It is rude and disrespectful. She works hard so photographers can have amazing props. Show her love and be kind! Thank You Ashley Mejia

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Good News

I am happy to announce that Little Blessings Photography will open again on May 1, 2012. I now have a new computer and business can resume as normal. Thank you all for being so patent with me and so understanding. I am very happy to announce that I can now lift the hold on Little Blessings Photography.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Business Hold

I would like to notify everybody that Little Blessings Photography is on hold until I am able to get my new computer. I am not sure when this hold will be lifted asI am not sure when I will get my new computer. Also please be aware that 1 month after I get my new computer, new prices and packages will be listed as well as the possibility of professional prints. Thank you all for your pactience and understanding. Ashley Mejia

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Pose Me Baby Giveaway

Check out the giveaway going on by Pose Me Baby! Awesome prizes up for grabs, like The Ultimate Pose Me Baby Photographers Set. How awesome! Go check it out!

Saturday, April 7, 2012


Sorry I have been MIA lately. The motherboard in my computer fried so I do not have a computer right now. I can only do things from my phone for the time being. However I did want to get the point out that while I am closed right now. I am working on changing things here at Little Blessings Photography. Prices and packages are changing, I am hoping to get professional prints added to each package to ease the pain of prints from nonprofessional vendors. Thank you all for baring with me while I work out my issues of not having a computer! Thank you all so much for your support and your understanding!